

Providing a secure, high-quality and nurturing Christian Environment for children ages 6 weeks to 12 years old.


1 teacher for every 6 children. 15 Children per classroom.

The classroom is divided into interest areas: blocks, cars and trucks, dramatic play, dress-up, baby dolls, sensory, manipulative, puzzles, books and the mini loft. Large group circle time is where the children are introduced to many skills, including the alphabet, colors, numbers, music and read-aloud. At this stage, teachers begin to expose the children to potty training.When it comes to potty training, children go into the restroom, and some sit on the potty, even if it is with their clothes on. Teachers are looking for readiness skills. Readiness skills include being dry for long periods of time and the ability of children to communicate (even nonverbally) that they are ready to go. Also, students begin tooth brushing in this classroom. Children brush their teeth after lunch as part of the environmental learning about numbers.

Additional Classes

We provide classes for children ages 6 weeks to 12 years – Infants, Preschool, Pre-K, Kindergarten and School Age Programs.

2 - 3 years


3 years

Pre-K Prep 1

3 years fully potty trained

Pre-K Prep 2

3 - 4 Years

Private Pre-K

2 - 3 years


3 years

Pre-K Prep 1

3 years fully potty trained

Pre-K Prep 2

3 - 4 Years

Private Pre-K



2 years


2 - 3 years


3 years

Pre-K Prep 1

3 years fully potty trained

Pre-K Prep 2

3 - 4 Years

Private Pre-K

5 - 12 years

Holiday / Summer Camps

2 - 3 years


3 years

Pre - K Prep 1

3 years fully potty trained

Pre-K Prep 2