
Pre-K Prep 1

Providing a secure, high-quality and nurturing Christian Environment for children ages 6 weeks to 12 years old.

Pre-K Prep 1

1 teacher for every 8 children. 20 Children per classroom.

This is the first class where the children use the computer, utilizing child-friendly software that allows for practice and review in phonics, mathematics and reading. At this age, the children know their colors and alphabet and learn each letter's sound. Centers are divided into more restrictive areas: puzzles and manipulatives are together, dramatic play is all together, and the water table is more advanced than in earlier classrooms. The children become more independent in this class as they learn to put away their coats, hang up their blue bags, tie shoes, and fasten coats. The Prep-K Prep 1 students are potty-trained (or close to being potty-trained) and can independently use the restroom (with the door open) as necessary and ask for assistance if needed. Potty-trained students begin their extracurricular activities where outside vendors come in to teach dance (for girls), golf (for boys), playball and art.

Additional Classes

We provide classes for children ages 6 weeks to 12 years – Infants, Preschool, Pre-K, Kindergarten and School Age Programs.

3 years fully potty trained

Pre-K Prep 2

3 - 4 Years

Private Pre-K

5 - 6 Years


K - 12 Years

After School

3 years fully potty trained

Pre-K Prep 2

3 - 4 Years

Private Pre-K

5 - 6 Years


K - 12 Years

After School



2 years


2 - 3 years


3 years

Pre-K Prep 1

3 years fully potty trained

Pre-K Prep 2

3 - 4 Years

Private Pre-K

5 - 12 years

Holiday / Summer Camps

2 - 3 years


3 years

Pre - K Prep 1

3 years fully potty trained

Pre-K Prep 2